The Benefits of Solar Power in San Diego

San Diego solar energy systems can help combat the rising cost of electricity. By producing your own solar power, you can significantly lower your utility bill while even receiving credit back for any surplus that you send back into the grid.

As well as helping you save money, solar is also environmentally-friendly. Being 100% clean and renewable energy source means it will preserve our natural world for future generations to enjoy.

Save Money

Solar panels can help homeowners reduce energy costs considerably. Homeowners who make the switch often see substantial savings within just a short period.

Solar power has never been more affordable in San Diego thanks to federal tax credits and local rebates; when combined with solar panel financing options, it makes going solar even more attainable for San Diegans.

California also has a renewable portfolio standard that requires utility companies to generate at least 30% of their power from renewable sources by 2033, offering San Diego homeowners another great incentive for going solar and helping create a greener community.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Installing solar is an excellent way to reduce your carbon footprint and boost energy efficiency in the home. Solar installations reduce greenhouse gas emissions while simultaneously improving home energy usage efficiency.

Solar systems can save money on electricity costs, making solar even more beneficial to those struggling to make ends meet.

Solar systems in California are exempt from property taxes – another great incentive to install them on your San Diego home!

With these advantages in mind, it is no wonder why San Diego is among the top cities for solar installations, according to Environment California’s Shining Cities 2020 report.

Increase Your Home’s Value

Homeowners are becoming more drawn to solar power for its energy efficiency and environmental advantages, but also curious as to whether installing panels will increase the value of their home.

Solar panels have long been proven to increase your home’s value, with research from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory showing that homes with solar systems sell for higher than those without.

This study examined sales data for 22,000 homes across eight states between 2002 and 2013 and determined that solar homes sold for a premium. California saw an average increase in sale price by $15,000 when compared to homes without solar.

Increase Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

Solar power can increase the energy efficiency of your home by lowering electricity bills and pollution levels, and helping to minimize your carbon footprint through using renewable sources that don’t pose environmental threats.

San Diego homeowners can increase their savings through net metering. This program allows homeowners to sell excess solar power produced back to the grid for credit on their next electric bill.

This program, set to go into effect on April 15, is expected to benefit over 20,000 homes in San Antonio and save them a combined total of $28 million over their lifetimes.

Reduce Your Environmental Footprint

Installing solar power in San Diego can have many environmental advantages, not least of all in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. As energy production accounts for one of the highest contributors to greenhouse gases emissions in America, switching to renewable sources of power could have an enormously positive effect on planet earth.

Studies conducted have determined that San Diego could produce enough electricity to meet its future demands – however it will need help from other parts of California to do so.

Researchers engaged in an analysis called Shining Cities 2020 that collected data from major metropolitan areas regarding their solar PV availability and installation per person; San Diego came in second place nationally.